Band pass filter is adopted to remove the high-frequency switching disturbance in node voltage measurements and avoid the time delay of common low pass filter. 针对开关动态对节点电压采样值的干扰,引入带通滤波,滤除高频动态的同时避免了常规低频滤波的延时。
Results: Vertigo, disturbance of consciousness and movement of the eyeball, abnormality of the pupils and visual disorder were the common clinical features. 结果:眩晕、意识障碍、眼球运动障碍和瞳孔异常和视力障碍是最常见的症状及体征。
This paper expounds the rational application of the self-balanced valve in the heat-supply system under the condition of the hydraulic disturbance, and introduces the principles and structures of the common self-balanced flow valve and the self-balanced differential pressure valve. 阐述了供热系统中水力失调情况下自力式平衡阀的合理应用,介绍了常见的自力式流量平衡阀和自力式压差平衡阀的工作原理及其结构。
Using the excellent time frequency location property and the robustness on frequency disturbance, a new method of the generator inter turn fault protection by wavelet shifting phase algorithm on the base of analyzing all common inter turn fault protection is presented. 在分析发电机定子匝间短路的各种常见保护的基础上,充分利用小波变换优良的局部化性质和对频率扰动良好的鲁棒性,提出了基于移相小波的发电机定子绕组匝间保护的1种新方法。
Conclusions Sensory disturbance of the anterior and/ or lateral thigh is common after renal transplantation. 结论肾移植术后出现手术侧大腿皮肤感觉功能障碍是较常见的并发症。
Photoelectric separation was adopted to prevent the disturbance of common mode voltage for all interfaces. 各接口均用光电隔离抑制共模电压干扰。
Among the 3 108 community participants, 8.3% reported sleep disturbance, in which 29.1% reported one or more of the co-existing diseases, with heart disease, digestive disease and neurological disease being the most common. 社区人群中8.3%主诉有睡眠行为障碍,其中29.1%的患者至少患有一种疾病,心脏、消化和神经系统疾病最常见。
Disturbance of mitochondrial energy metabolism is the common result of multiple complex factors, especially when the body suffered from burn, trauma, stress or heavy metal. 线粒体能量代谢障碍是多种复杂因素共同作用的结果,尤其是当机体受到创伤、应激、重金属等有毒物质刺激时。
There have been a lot of researches working on the disturbance sources of common electric locomotives. 前人对电气化铁道普通电力机车的电磁骚扰源进行了大量研究,得出了很多重要结论。
In addition, in this paper it builds models of four kinds of conventional steady-state disturbance signals and the five kinds of common transient signals in Matlab simulation platform. 此外,本文在Matlab的仿真平台中,搭建四种常规的稳态扰动信号和五种常见的暂态信号模型。
Dementia is an acquired lasting disturbance of intelligence syndromes due to cerebral vascular disease. Vascular dementia is the common type of senile dementia only secondly to Alzheimer disease. 血管性痴呆是由于脑血管疾病和心血管病变的原因导致的获得性、持续性智能障碍综合征,是老年性痴呆中最常见的类型之一,仅次于AD。
In our study, as the first symptom of TOBS, disturbance of consciousness, dizziness and dyskinesia were common. 在48例患者中首发症状,主要以意识障碍、眩晕及运动障碍常见。
Ischemic stroke was mainly due to regional cerebral circulatory disturbance caused by mental retardation, physical movement dysfunction as the main clinical manifestations of common diseases. 现代医学认为缺血性中风主要是由于脑局部循环障碍,引起以智力障碍、躯体运动功能障碍为主要表现的临床常见疾病。